LaNora Purvis
LaNora Purvis is a true woman of faith. She is an anointed speaker whose message of Faith, Hope & Love has changed the lives of many believers and unbelievers alike. Her passion is teaching and preaching the TRUTH of God’s word with an emphasis on overcoming hardships, living in victory, and understanding the authority that is available to every Christian through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
LaNora believes “Freedom from the past brings hope for the future & transformation for a community!”
On October 14th, 2009 LaNora was arrested on her third DWI offense and was facing prison time. At that time, she cried out to God whom she had never known. She told God that she would do whatever He asked her to do as long as she didn’t have to leave her children. She was released from jail on bond and reported to her probation officer. Her probation officer invited her to church and she went with the intention of showing her probation officer what a “good person” she was. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior on November 1, 2009, and began to have dreams and visions of what God wanted her to do to fulfill the plan that He had for her life according to Jer. 29:11. On February 2, 2010 she founded Heaven’s Army, being obedient to the voice of God but without any idea of where this journey would take her. April 7, 2010, she got her first building and opened her doors to the community on May 12, 2010. Her story of going from the back of the police car to founding a ministry is one that will inspire you and increase your faith. LaNora has been used by God to show His love to families in the community through the many programs offered at Heaven’s Army and through Home of Amazing Grace Women’s Discipleship program.
She has completed several hours of training with Traffick911, Darkness to Light, U.S. office for Victims of Crime and with Human Trafficking expert Dottie Laster. She is a member of Houston’s Human Trafficking Victim Service Providers Committee (Harris County Human Trafficking Task Force) and is a member of the Montgomery County Human Trafficking Coalition. She is a certified trainer for the Texas Center for Missing & Exploited Children Internet Safety. She is an active member of the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, East Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce where she serves as an Ambassador for both, and is on the Board of Directors for the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. She was one of the founding Board of Directors for the NCISD Education Foundation. She is also a member and active advocate for Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) & the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Speakers Bureau. She is a Texas Notary & a Crime Victims Coordinator for the state of Texas and she faithfully attends and has been a member of Cornerstone Church since Oct. 2009. She is available for speaking engagements, you can contact her @ 832-401-7965.