Cornelius A. Davis II, M.D.
Born: September 20, 1963
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
Spouse: Cherylynne Davis, Dec. 16, 1995
Children: C. Alexander, IV, Maggie Sinead, Chloe Grace & Micah James
Work Experience
Wellspring CV, LLC (Aug. 2019 – Current)
Physician, Cardiovascular Surgery – Houston, Texas
- Operative procedures on cardiovascular patients
- Pre-/Postoperative assessment of cardiovascular patients
Wellspring Cardiovascular (June 2014 – Aug. 2019)
Physician, Cardiothoracic Surgery – Quad Cities, IA
- Providing locums coverage to facilities & practices
- Vascular testing and assessment of local practices
Genesis Health System (May 2013 – May 2014)
Physician, Cardiothoracic Surgery – Davenport, IA
- Quadrupled open-heart volume within two months of employment start
- Posted lowest mortality and complication rates for hospitals in the prior 13 years
- Despite an elevated volume of STS-predicted high-risk cases, outcomes consistently better than STS predictions
- Reduced blood utilization for open-heart procedures by 75%
- Re-established referrals from lost loco-regional providers
- Established an endovascular practice performing TEVARS, EVARS, and peripheral vascular cases in preparation for establishing a TAVR program
- Award-winning Press Ganey scores for the group’s practice
Leadership Roles
- Medical Director of Cardiovascular Services, St. Anthony’s Hospital, Houston, TX (May 2010 – May 2013)
- Chief of Surgery, River Oaks Hospital, Houston TX (June 2006 – July 2007)
- High School: Bishop McGuinness Memorial High School, Winston-Salem, NC Diploma 08/1977 – 05/1981
- College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
- B.A. in Chemistry, 08/1981 – 05/1985
- B.A. in Political Science
- Graduate: Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC M.D., 08/1985 – 05/1989
- Graduate Studies: Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
- Ph.D. (non-diploma) in Biomedical Engineering, 08/1992 – 06/1997
- Thesis: “Chronic Arterial Adaptation to an Altering Luminal Shear Stress Environment”
Professional Training and Academic Career
Great Vessel and Vascular Surgery Fellowship (July 2002 – June 2003)
- Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
- University of Texas – Houston Health Science Center, Houston, TX
Cardiothoracic Surgery Resident (July 2000 – June 2002)
- Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Albert Einstein U-North Shore-Long Island Jewish H.S., New York, NY
Senior and Chief General Surgery Resident (July 1997 – June 2000)
- Department of Surgery
- Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Ph.D. Candidate and Research Fellow (July 1991 – June 1997)
- Advised by Lyle F. Mockros, Ph.D. and Robert W. Anderson, M.D.
- Department of Biomedical Engineering, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL
Intern and Junior General Surgery Resident (July 1989 – June 1991)
- Department of Surgery
- Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
- Iowa, #41054, 06-04-13 (Active)
- Texas, #L7349, 2003 (Active)
- New York, #223032, 2001 (Inactive)
- Massachusetts, #97-6057-99, 1997 (Inactive)
- Illinois, #036-083659, 1991 (Inactive)
- North Carolina, #33917, 1991 (Inactive)
- Lester F. Williams, Jr., Student Teaching Award (2000, Boston U.)
- Board of Governors Scholar (Duke)
- John Motley Morehead Scholar, Honors Program, Dean’s List (UNC)
- Distinguished Alumnus Award (1997, St. Leo’s School)
- Eagle Scout Award, Order of the Arrow (Boy Scouts of America)
Board Certifications
- The American Board of Surgery – Certificate 48934, Feb. 11, 2004
- American Board of Thoracic Surgery – Certification 7158, Jun. 28, 2006 (exp. 12/31/2026)
Advisory & Board of Director Appointments
- Executive Advisory Board, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Iowa, 2014
- Board of Directors, Executive Director, Save A Leg, Save A Life Foundation, 2014
- Board of Directors, Chairman, Blessed Sacrament Youth Center, 1993-97
Technique Certifications
- Laser Transmyocardial Revascularization, Texas Heart Institute, March 2001
- Microwave Ablation Techniques of Atrial Fibrillation, Boston, MA, May 2003
- Left Ventricular Surgical Restoration Course, J. Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, June 2004
- DaVinci Robot Assisted Endoscopic Techniques, Houston, TX, June 2005
- Advanced Endovascular Interventions, THI, Houston, TX, May 2006
- TAG Thoracic Endoprosthesis Training, Houston, TX, June 19-20, 2006
- Davis CA 3rd, Rembert JC, Greenfield JC. Compliance of the Left Atrium with and without the Left Atrium Appendage. Am J Physiol. 259 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 28): H1006-H1008, 1990.
- Davis CA 3rd, Joob AW, Anderson RW, et al. Adhesion Molecule Expression in the Aorta of the Hypercholesterolemic Rabbit. Surgical Forum. XLIII: 355-357, 1992.
- Davis CA 3rd, Pearce WH, Shah M, et al. Increased ICAM-1 Expression in Aortic Disease. J Vasc Surg. 18:875-80, 1993.
- Davis CA, Frederiksen JW. The Unique Risk Factor Profile for Octogenarians Undergoing Open Cardiac Operations. Cardiovascular Update. 4(2):3, 1994.
- Sherman AJ, Davis CA 3rd, Klocke FJ, et al. Blockade of Nitric Oxide Synthesis Reduces Myocardial Oxygen Consumption in vivo. Circulation. 95(5):1328-34, 1997.
- Davis CA 3rd, Sherman AJ, Yaroshenko Y, et al. Coronary Vascular Responsiveness to Adenosine is Impaired Additively by Blockade of Nitric Oxide Synthesis and a Sulfonylurea. J Am Coll Cardiol. 31(4):816-22, 1998.
- Davis CA 3rd, Kozlowski K, Pearce WH, Mockros LF. Functional Assessment of Arterial Fistula Vasoactive Mechanisms. Surgical Forum. XLVIII:362, 1997.
- Palmer AS, Miller AJ, Davis CA, Greene R. Gas Tensions in Cardiac Lymph as a Reflection of the Interstitial Space of the Heart. Angiology. 49(9):735-741, 1998.
- Rubin JP, Kasznica JM, Davis CA 3rd, Carpinito GA, Hirsch EF. Transitional Cell Carcinoma in a Urachal Cyst. J Urol. 162(5):1687-8, 1999.
- Suzuki S, Davis CA 3rd, Miller CC 3rd, et al. Cardiac Function Predicts Mortality Following Thoracoabdominal and Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Eur J Card Thorac Surg. 24(1):119-24, 2003.
- Davis CA, Pearce WH, Haines GK, et al. Increased ICAM Expression in Aortic Disease, presented at the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society Meeting, Sept. 1992.
- Klocke FJ, Srinivasan G, Davis CA. Interpretive Considerations in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging and Arteriographic Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Progression/Regression. Heart and Vessels. Suppl. 8(1)-5:125, 1992.
- Klocke FJ, Srinivasan G, Davis CA. “Hibernating” Myocardium: Clinical Identification and Underlying Mechanisms. Heart and Vessels. Suppl. 8 KL-15:9, 1992.
- Davis CA, Srinivasan G, Klocke FJ, et al. Low-dose Sulfonylurea (Glibenclamide) Attenuates Coronary Vasodilatory Responses Mediated by ATP-Dependent Potassium Channels. J Am Coll Cardiol. 21(2):465A, 1993.
- Klocke FJ, Davis CA, Srinivasan G, et al. Delayed Reductions in Regional Myocardial Function Following Repeated Brief Ischemia- A Chronic Canine Model of Myocardial Hibernation. Circulation. 88(4 part 2): I-188, 1993.
- Klocke FJ, Srinivasan G, Davis CA, et al. L-NAME Attenuates the Coronary Vasodilator Response to Adenosine and Reduces Myocardial Contractility. Circulation. 88(4 part 2): I-566, 1993.
- Davis CA, Harris DR, Klocke FJ, et al. Blockade of EDRF Synthesis with L-NAME Reduces Myocardial O2 Consumption at Comparable Levels of Double and Triple Product. Circulation. 90(4 part2):I-104, 1994.
- Sherman AJ, Davis CA, Klocke FJ, et al. Intracoronary Blockade of Nitric Oxide Synthesis Reduces Myocardial O2 Consumption. FASEB J. 10(3):4669, 1996.
- Davis CA, Sherman AJ, Arris KR, et al. Sulfonylureas Attenuate Coronary Vasodilatory Responses to Adenosine and the Degree of Attenuation is Increased by Endothelial Dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 29(2):386A, 1997.
- Davis CA, Johnson DA, Mockros LF. Flow Mediated Alterations in Arterial Tone. Int J Cardiovasc Med Sci. 1(1):126, 1997.
Invited Presentations
- “Functional Assessment of Arterial Vasoactive Mechanisms.” Grasberger Research Symposium. Boston, MA. December 1997.
- “Hemodynamic Monitoring–The Effective Use of Current Technology.” Illinois Academy of Physicians Assistants. Chicago, IL. October 1996.
- “Surgical Therapies for Diseases of the Aorta & Great Vessels,” Cardiovascular Surgery Grand Rounds, U. of Texas at Houston Health Science Center, Houston, TX. August 23, 2002.
- “Vascular Grafts,” Cardiovascular Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Texas at Houston Health Science Center, Houston, TX. January 30, 2003.
- “Thoracoscopy for Thoracic Disorders” Pulmonary Grand Rounds, University of Texas at Houston Health Science Center, Houston, TX. January 2004.
- “Creating A Healthier America” American Heart Association Invited Lecture, El Paso Energy, Houston, TX. May 12, 2004.
- “Endoscopic Therapy for Thoracic Disorders” Family Practice CME, Twelve Oaks Hospital, Houston, TX. May 19, 2004.
- “Noninvasive Assessment of Peripheral Vascular Supply” Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society. Las Vegas, NV. June 15, 2005.
- “Operative Revascularization of the Lower Extremities” Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society. Las Vegas, NV. June 15, 2005.
- “Creating A Healthier America – Six-Part Series” Health Symposium, First Colony Bible Chapel. Sugarland, TX. September 19 – November 7, 2006.
Other Affiliations
- Private Pilot- Single Engine Certification
- Manvel Bible Chapel

Allan Hugh Allen
Raised in Houston, TX
Moved to Tarkington in 1979
Married to Peg in 1984
Church Affiliation: Cornerstone Church of Cleveland (1998-present)
- Leadership
- Results and Goal Oriented
- Team Building and Development
- Communication – Written & Verbal
- Analytical
- Strong Work Ethic and Integrity
- Slide:ology & Selling with Insights – Kellogg’s 2011
- Show the Data – Nielsen & IRI Training – Kellogg’s 2009
- Advanced Selling Skills – Effective Negotiating – Kellogg’s 2007
- K-Values Code of Ethics – Managers Training – Kellogg’s 2004
- DSD University – Lance Inc. 2003
- Selling to VITO – Selling to Executives – TRM Corp. 2001
- Supervisor Sales Training – Earth Grain Co. 1995
Work Experience
McLane Global – Houston, TX (April 2014 – Present)
- Role: Regional Sales Manager – McLane Hunger Solutions (MHS) – Mid-South Region
- Leadership role responsible for the growth and development of food bank and non-profit customers across Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Focused on prospecting, penetrating, closing, and developing multi-state customers.
Key Accomplishments
- Sales vs Last Year: Exceeded LY +3% (2015), +16% (2016)
- Gross Profit vs Last Year: Exceeded LY +4% (2015), +24% (2016)
- Developed Customer Partnerships: Built relationships at VP, Director, & Buyer levels.
- Prospected and developed 10 new customer accounts.
Key Customers
- Houston Food Bank – Houston, TX
- Love & Care Ministries – Abilene, TX
- Southeast Texas Food Bank – Beaumont, TX
- Catholic Charities of Dallas – Dallas, TX
- Central Texas Food Bank – Austin, TX
- Feed the Children – OKC, OK
- San Antonio Food Bank – San Antonio, TX
- Jubilee Supermarket – Waco, TX
- North Texas Food Bank – Dallas, TX
- Arkansas Food Bank – Little Rock, AR
- Daily Bread Ministries – San Antonio, TX
- Northeast Food Bank of Louisiana – Monroe, LA
- Northwest Arkansas Food Bank – Bethel Heights, AR
- Harvest Regional Food Bank – Texarkana, AR
- Children’s Hunger Fund – San Antonio, TX, Dallas, TX, Sylmar, CA
- Frito Lay – Food for Good – Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, Austin, TX, Little Rock, AR
- Managing food bank and non-profit customers within a multi-state region to achieve sales and gross profit budgets.
- Developing plans and partnerships with customers to achieve goals.
- Presenting new products and a full product line using data-driven presentations.
- Collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive customer service excellence.
- Role: Western Region – Account Executive – Wholesale/Distributor Business
- Managed a $10 million business across 8 states, focusing on growing sales in multiple channels of trade and categories.
Key Accomplishments
- Sales Budget: Exceeded budget +4% (2007), +8% (2008), +5% (2009), +3% (2010), +3% (2011).
- Spend Budget: Consistently under budget by 0.4%-0.6% from 2007 to 2011.
- Developed customer-specific events tied to strategies.
- Built partnerships at VP and Director levels.
- Gained over 300 SKU distributions in 3 warehouse customers.
Key Customers
- Grocers Supply – Houston, TX
- Brookshire Bros – Lufkin, TX
- Affiliated Foods – Amarillo, TX
- Lowes – Lubbock, TX
- Bashas/Food City – Phoenix, AZ
- John Brooks – Albuquerque, NM
- Role: Branch Manager – North Houston Branch
- Led branch operations, growing sales through team management and account development.
Key Accomplishments
- Sales Budgets: Exceeded 2002 sales budget by +12%.
- Expanded branch sales from $900K to over $2 million and added 18 new accounts and 4 territories.
- Role: Account Executive – U.S. Southeast Region
- Managed a regional profit budget of over $700,000 per month and grew business across 11 states.
- Tarkington High School (1979-1982)
My wife, Peg, and I were married for thirty-seven years, and together, we raised three children, Josh – 38, Shane – 35, and Jake – 33. Although I lost Peg in 2022, today I thoroughly enjoy my five grandchildren, Zoey, Aerilynn (13), Scarlett (2), Landon (12), and Annabelle (10), and praise God that all my children are grown and raising their own families.
My wife’s heart and passion was to support the ministry at Heaven’s Army, and after her death, when Mrs. LaNora approached me with the idea of continuing to pursue her passion and dream, I immediately agreed to become a member of the Board of Directors for Heaven’s Army in support of Peg’s memory and the mission God gave me, as well.
I have been in the food, grocery, and warehouse business for forty-three years, and for the past eight years, I have been working for McLane Global, a global trading, import/export, and logistics company. The side of the business I work on is McLane Hunger Solutions, selling food and non-food products to food banks and non-profits that fight hunger. I manage all our food bank/non-profit business for Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas, and it is absolutely the most rewarding work I have ever done. Even though I sell the product, just knowing that everything I sell goes to feed or help the hungry is just very, very cool.
With all my energy, I chase after and serve God full time, chase after the grandkids almost full time, hunt as much as possible in the winter, and fish as often as possible in the spring.

Brenda Purswell
Raised in Tarkington, Texas
Moved to Baytown in 1969
Married: April 13, 1967
Church Affiliation: Rural Shade Baptist Church
Key Skills & Core Competencies
- Compliance Specialist
- Program Specialist
- Alklean Industries, Inc : President (1987 to 2022)
Memberships & Trainings
- Houston Women’s Business Council
- EPA Storm Water Runoff
- CETA State Chapter
- Board Member (1998 – 2000)
- Chairwoman (dates unknown)
- Executive Director (dates unknown)
Awards and Certifications
- DELCO Woman of the Year
- Hotsy Certified Sales School
- MI-T-M Certified Sales School
- University of Texas Haz-Mat Certification
- Tarkington High School (1967)
“Firm understandings prevent misunderstandings.”
After graduation, I worked locally until my husband returned from the military (Texas National Guard). Then we moved to Baytown where I worked in a car dealership. Once our son was born in 1971, we started our business, and I worked continually in many different roles until we sold it in 2022 after 50 years in the Cleaning Equipment Industry.
Our plan was to turn the business over to our son and his wife and retire, but God had a different plan. In 2013, he had a massive heart attack, and we lost him. We knew we could not retire at that point, so we continued to work on our business, preparing to sell it.
Then Covid hit and set us back a few more years, but we have always been survivors and believed God was still in control. At the right time, He presented a path to sell and go to the next phase of our life — and He did. He is faithful!

Cherylynne Davis
Raised in Wheaton, Illinois
Moved to the Houston area in 2002
Church Affiliation: Manvel Bible Chapel (2019-present)
- Client administration
- Team management
- Writing and Editing
- Process improvements
- Problem resolution
Work Experience
- Assist with the development of research protocols as well as FDA and IRB submissions.
- Prioritize tasks, and organize student fellows through clinical study processes.
- Revamp scheduling and other processes for better patient flow and create a social media presence for marketing purposes.
- Responsible for the day-to-day running of the clinic, and as point person for his MD Anderson consulting.
- Assisted with the development of forward-thinking and effective operational processes to address changing needs.
- Evaluated internal systems and prepared training initiatives to resolve longstanding billing and staffing issues.
- Responsible for global MDF platforms (including DXC, IBM Redhat, Ruckus, Symantec).
- Met with clients on a weekly basis to discuss platform changes and program issues to make the system successful for each unique requirement.
- Trained client teams to mitigate customer issues.
- Managed team responsible for auditing and paying out global MDF initiatives.
- Responsible for the complete lifecycle of the merchandise.
- Trained and monitored booksellers.
- Co-managed the team responsible for auditing inventory and updating the local store website.
- Involved in the recruiting and hiring process to bring on board team members with exceptional skills and expertise.
- Implemented unique methodologies that improved performance and profitability across multiple departments.
- Involved in the Women in Leadership initiative.
- Developed and taught lesson plans and skill-building activities in speaking, writing, reading, and listening for students with skill levels from illiterate to graduate-level training.
- Helped develop and maintain custom EMR.
- Responsible for all marketing, operations, and staff training.
- Coordinated monthly health and education events for the Houston chapter of Save A Leg Save A Life.
- Resolved all patient issues.
PR CONSULTANT, FREELANCE (Oct 1998 – June 2002)
- Worked with clients on the overall story, web design, marketing materials, and press releases.
- Led team responsible for PR and initial e-commerce site rollouts for several Boston high-tech companies including Staples.com, Banyan systems, Mediconsult.com, Switchboard.com (now White & Yellow pages) and TVisions (Molecular, Inc., a part of Aegis Group).
- Worked closely with the executive team, and wrote annual reports, press releases, and marketing materials.
- Was responsible for photo shoots with the company businesses, as well as with the Board of Directors.
- Participated in media interviews as well as crisis management
- Taylor University: B.A. Political Science & Communications (MAY 1988)

Howard Purvis
Born: 4/4/1973
Raised in Corrigan, Texas
Moved to: Cleveland, Texas in 2018
Married: 12/12/2009 to LaNora Purvis, Founder/CEO of Heaven’s Army of Resources
Church Affiliation: Member of Cornerstone Church of Cleveland (2009-Present)
- Owner/President: New Caney HVAC (2018-Present)
- Co-Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army of Resources (2009-Present)
- Operations Manager: The Filter Man (2011-2019)
- Journeyman Electrician: Rogers Electric (2008-2011)
- Owner: C&F Survey (2004-2008)
- Survey Manager: Survey Technology Inc. (1994-2004)
- An active leader in Cornerstone Church Men’s ministry
Memberships & Trainings
- NAFA – National Air Filtration Association
- John Maxwell Master Mind Study
- Certificate of Honor from Her Time Ministries
- Citizens Constable Academy Class 005
- Business of the Month Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (2018)
- Civilian Response to Active Shooter
- GED: 1991
Certificates of License
- CAFS – 2012
- NCT – 2012
- HVAC/R Unlimited Combination – 2020
- HVAC-RA – Unlimited contractor licenses
- 608 Universal EPA licenses
- 10 Hours OSHA Construction
- Railroad Commission of Texas LPG & NG licenses
My wife, LaNora Purvis, and I founded a ministry, Heaven’s Army in 2010 and have been serving the community faithfully alongside our children (6) and grandchildren (12) for 12 years. Our ministry is a discipleship program for women who have endured trauma and now seeking a new beginning through salvation. Through a one-year discipleship program, they learn character development that enables them to get back to a place of love for themselves and ownership of their bad choices.
I am also a faithful and prominent member of Cornerstone Church in Cleveland, TX. Where I serve in multiple ministerial areas. My wife and I conduct Bible Studies from our home and counsel many couples from the church and community. We are also dedicated volunteers through the church and other community organizations.
In addition to co-founding Heaven’s Army with my wife, I am also a business owner in New Caney, where I established New Caney HVAC in 2018. My business has been very successful, and with God’s help, has positioned me with a great network of business owners and customers with whom I have established impeccable professional relationships.

Jeff Pacula
Born: April 27, 1975 St Louis, Mo
Raised: Multiple States (MO, OH, MD, FL, NC, TX, CA, NY, TN)
Moved: 31 times in 48 years- This gives me a broad view of the USA, its culture and regional differences
Married: 7 years to my Beautiful Wife, Christi Pacula
Church Affiliation: Living Way Church, Conroe TX (2020-2024)
Work Experience
- Senior Manager, Sales Strategy and Execution, Asian Foods, a Sysco Company, 2024- Present
- Market Business Manager- South Market, USA European Imports, A Sysco Company / 2014- 2024
- Sales Representative/ Chef Consultant Sysco Foods of Ventura / Valencia, CA / 2006-2014
- Executive Chef & Director of Member Services Pine Mountain Club POA / PMC, California / 2004-2006
- Multiple Sales Leader Awards
- 1994 Florida State, BA in Business Management with Emphasis in Hospitality
- 2003 Culinary Institute of America, AA in Culinary Arts
“We are the sum total of the people we meet and how it affects our life! We have a daily opportunity to make an impactful mark on someone else through our words, our actions, and even our smile.” ~Jeff Pacula
Born on April 27, 1975, in St. Louis, Missouri, Jeff Pacula has lived a life shaped by diverse experiences and a unique understanding of American culture. Having moved 31 times across 9 different states—Missouri, Ohio, Maryland, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, California, New York, and Tennessee—Jeff gained a broad perspective on the regional differences and nuances that make the United States so diverse.
A dedicated husband for 7 years to his beautiful wife, Christi Pacula, Jeff is deeply committed to both his family and his community. He is an active member of Living Way Church in Conroe, Texas, where he has been involved since 2020. Jeff is also a proud father of six children, a grandfather to five grandkids, and with one more grandchild on the way, he is excited to expand his family. With a great-grandchild soon to join the family, Jeff cherishes his growing family and the joy they bring.
Jeff’s educational background includes a BA in Business Management with an emphasis in Hospitality from Florida State University (1994) and an Associate’s degree in Culinary Arts from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America (2003). His professional journey has been equally diverse, with significant roles in sales, management, and culinary expertise. Currently serving as Senior Manager, Sales Strategy and Execution at Asian Foods, a Sysco Company, Jeff brings over two decades of industry experience to the table. Prior to this role, he worked as Market Business Manager at USA European Imports, a Sysco Company, where he spent a decade building market strategies. His earlier career includes positions as a Sales Representative and Chef Consultant at Sysco Foods of Ventura, as well as Executive Chef & Director of Member Services at Pine Mountain Club in California.
Throughout his career, Jeff has earned multiple sales leader awards, highlighting his exceptional performance and leadership skills. His approach to business and life is driven by the belief that “We are the sum total of the people we meet and how they affect our lives.” He sees every interaction as an opportunity to leave a positive mark, whether through words, actions, or even a smile.
With a deep understanding of both business and human connection, Jeff continues to make meaningful contributions to the communities he serves.

Jeremy Allen
Born: 12/8/1977
Raised: in Henderson, TN
Moved: to Livingston, TX in 2004
Married: Melissa 9/9/2000
Church Affiliation: Living Way Church, Conroe TX (2020-present)
Work Experience
- Emergency Hospital Systems
- Living Way Church – Assistant Pastor (2020-present)
- Polk County Sheriff’s Department – Precinct 3 – Deputy
- Indiana Bible College: Various biblical courses
- Western Governor’s University: M.S. in Management and Leadership (2023)
- TCOLE-Certified Police Officer
- Ordained minister of United Pentecostal Church International

Jill Martin
Born: Louisiana
Raised in: Jakarta, Indonesia
Moved to: Houston
Married: 20 years
Church Affiliation: Northside Christian Church (2013 – current)
Key Skills & Core Competencies
- Education
- Public speaking
- Pine Burr Elem (2023-2024)
- Tomball ISD (2019-2023)
- Klein ISD (2016-2019)
- Spring ISD (2013-2016)
- HEB Teacher of Excellence Nomination
- University of Houston (1997)
- Lamar (2021)
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
My name is Jill Martin and I have been in education for 18 years. I graduated from the University of Houston and received my Masters degree from Lamar University. I taught Elementary school grades 2-5 and was a District Testing Coordinator for Sam Houston State Charter Schools. I am currently an Assistant Principal at Pine Burr Elem. in Cleveland, TX.
When I first moved to Texas, God put on my heart to join an anti-human trafficking committee with the new Superintendent of Klein ISD. I got involved with an organization called Elijah Rising and also started volunteering at a safe house for sex-trafficked teens named Freedom Place. After going through trauma-informed behavior courses at Arrow, I learned that when kids don’t feel school is fun and they don’t have at least one significant relationship with an adult in the building they tend to drop out. I saw this happen at Freedom Place as the girls who dropped out of school or were runaways would often be lured into sex trafficking, have unwanted pregnancies, and become alcohol and drug-dependent.
I work at the Elementary level because it helps me work in the area of prevention for kids and helps mold them into good citizens. God has given me a heart for the broken. I went to high school in Jakarta, Indonesia which is a 3rd world country. My eyes were opened to what poverty and stark circumstances look like. I love mentoring kids as well as adults and providing them with encouragement and support.
When I am not working or volunteering, I enjoy spending time with my husband of 20 years and my two kids. I have a zest for life and love sharing my gifts with others.

John Purswell
Born: 10/10/1946
Raised: Tarkington/Cleveland, Texas
Moved to: Baytown, Texas in 1968
Married: 4/13/1967 to Brenda Young Purswell, Retired Business Owner
Church Affiliation: Member of Rural Shade Baptist Church
Key Skills & Core Competencies
- Business Owner for 51 Years
- Certified Instrument Tech
- Certified Heavy Equipment Operator
- Public Relations & People Skills
- Business Operations & Strategy
- Effective Communication & Delegation
- Marketing
- Client Outreach
- Budgeting
- Research & Development
- Pressure Washer Engineering and Design
- Waste Water Reclaim Design & Installation
- Published Author & Speaker
- Exxon
- Pur-Tex
- Alklean Industries
- Business Consulting
- Sales Training and Consulting
- Electrical Training and Consulting
- Inventory Management Consulting
Memberships & Trainings
- Treasurer Memorial Baptist Church
- Chairman Finance Committee Memorial Baptist Church
- Deacon Memorial Baptist Church
- Chairman Finance Committee Rural Shade Baptist Church
- Deacon Rural Shade Baptist Church
- Served 1 Term as Board President of Cleaning Equipment Trade Association Board of Directors
- Served 3 Terms as Board Member of Cleaning Equipment Trade Association Education Foundation Board of Directors
- Serving as Board of Director/Management Ryan Cemetery
John Purswell has received numerous professional and community awards & recognition & service.
- Presidents Award for Excellence Distributing Mi-T-M Corporation (Numerous Years)
- Top 10 Distributors in the USA Award from Karcher Manufacturing
- Top 10 Distributors in the USA Award Citation Manufacturing
- Top 10 Distributors in the USA Delco Manufacturing
- Certified in Distribution Excellence by CETA National Trade Association
- Awarded Lifetime Membership Award by CETA (to date only 3 have been awarded)
- Graduated from Tarkington High School
- Studied Math, Electronics, Chemistry, and Business at San Jacinto and Lee College
- US Army Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
- Small Engine Training from Kohler, Briggs, and Honda
- Pump Training from Cat, General, and Giant Pumps
Certificate of License
- Ordained Baptist Deacon

LaNora Purvis
Born: 2/4/1973
Raised in: Livingston, Texas
Moved to: Cleveland, Texas in 2018
Married: 12/12/2009 to Howard Purvis, Owner of New Caney HVAC & Co-Founder of Heaven’s Army
Church Affiliation: Member of Cornerstone Church of Cleveland, TX (2009-Present)
Key Skills & Core Competencies
- Company/Non-Profit Management
- Leadership & Team Building
- Fundraising
- Public Relations & People Skills
- Business Operations & Strategy
- Effective Communication & Delegation
- Adaptability & Determination
- Pastoral Counseling
- Forward Thinking & Calculated Risk Management
- Marketing
- Client Outreach
- Budgeting
- Research & Development
- Case Management
- Published Author & Speaker
- Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army of Resources (2010-Present)
- Founder/CEO/Speaker/Victims Advocate: VoiceUP! (2012-Present)
- Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army-Home of Amazing Grace (Women’s Home) (2015-Present)
- Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army-The Freedom House (Transitional Living) (2023-Present)
- Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army-The Winston House (Men’s Sober Living) (2023-Present)
- Founder/CEO: Heaven’s Army-Brewtique & More (2024-Present)
- Mental Health Coach (2023-Present)
- Accounts Payable: Lone Star College (2008-2009)
- Executive Assistant/Accounting: Epcon (2007-2008)
- Accounts Payable: Action Handling (2005-2008)
- Financial Liaison: CPS Liberty County (2001-2002)
- Executive Assistant: Polk County Indigent Health Care (1998-2001)
Memberships & Trainings
- Member of the Montgomery County Human Trafficking Coalition
- Houston’s Human Trafficking Victim Service Providers Committee
- Coldspring Chamber of Commerce & Ambassador
- Ambassador for the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce
- Member of East Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce
- Member of Dayton Chamber of Commerce
- Certified Trainer for the Texas Center for Missing & Exploited Children Internet Safety
- One of the Founding Board of Directors for the NCISD Education Foundation
- Member and Active Advocate for Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA)
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Speakers Bureau
- Graduate & Alumni of the Montgomery County Constables Citizens Academy
- Texas Notary
- CPS Faith-Based Partner & Resource Provider
- Volunteer for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- Light University-Mental Health Coach
- Crime Victims Coordinator for the State of Texas
- Traffick911 Training
- Darkness to Light Training
- U.S. Office for Victims of Crime
- East Montgomery County Republican Women’s Club Member since 2017
- Liberty County Republican Women’s Party (2024)
- Women’s League San Jacinto (2024)
LaNora Purvis has received numerous community awards & recognition for her work & commitment to the community & surrounding areas.
- KSBJ 89.3-Partnership
- Children’s Protective Services-Service Award
- Gateway to Hope-Service Award
- EMC Fire Dept-Citizen of the Year
- Community Compassion Award-Hurricane Harvey Relief
- Building Better Families-Volunteerism Award
- Diamond Award-Woman of the Year for work done in combating addiction
- Women’s Club of Cleveland-Combating Human Trafficking
- Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce-Business of the Month, Ambassador of the Month
- Coldspring Chamber of Commerce-Runner Up Non-Profit of the Year
- Special Guest on numerous radio stations, local talk shows, and podcasts
- Numerous newspaper articles
- Author, “You Would Never Know”
- Humanitarian Award (2024)
- Hometown Hero (2024)
- Livingston High School (1991)
Certificate of Licenses
- Preach the Gospel, Perform Marriages, Administer the Sacraments, and Direct Other Functions of the Ministry; Directed & Organized Numerous Weddings, Luncheons & Funerals (October 2016)
“Healing from your past brings HOPE for your future!”
On October 14th, 2009, LaNora was arrested on her third DWI offense and was facing prison time. At that time, she cried out to God whom she had never known. She told God that she would do whatever He asked her to do if she didn’t have to leave her children. She was released from jail on bond and reported to her probation officer who invited her to church. She went with the intention of showing her probation officer what a “good person” she was.
She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior on November 1, 2009, and began to have dreams and visions of what God wanted her to do to fulfill the plan that He had for her life according to Jer. 29:11. On February 2, 2010, she along with her husband, Howard, founded Heaven’s Army, being obedient to the voice of God but without any idea of where this journey would take her. On April 7, 2010, with no money, no job, 6 kids, a mortgage, a car note, and all the expenses of life, she leased her first building (commercial frontage but destroyed). On June 12, 2010, she opened the doors to the community after God provided the supplies to transform the building into a beautiful community outreach center.
In 2015, after reaching out and ministering to broken women in and around her community since 2010, she founded Home of Amazing Grace, a minimum 1-year residential women’s discipleship home. This home gives women who have been victims of sex trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and addictions a safe place to heal and gain the tools to become strong women of God and step into their destinies.
In January 2024, she founded Heaven’s Army-The Winston House, a men’s next-level living home for men who have completed a 1-year program and need a stable place to live while they continue their journey to recovery.
In March 2024, she opened Heaven’s Army Brewtique & More, a non-profit business started so the graduates of HOAG would have a place to apply the skills they had learned while in the 12-month discipleship program of HOAG, on-the-job business training.
Her story of going from the back of the police car to founding a growing ministry is one that will inspire you and increase your faith. LaNora has been used by God to show His love to families in the community through the many programs offered at Heaven’s Army and through Home of Amazing Grace.

Melissa Allen
Born: 6/15/1977
Raised in: Livingston, TX
Moved back to Livingston: from Mississippi in 2004
Married: 9/9/2000 to Jeremy Allen
Church Affiliation: Living Way Church, Conroe TX (2020-present)
Work Experience
- Crow Therapies
- Living Way Church
- Indiana Bible College: Various musical courses
- Angelina Junior College: A.A.
Jeremy and Melissa met at Indiana Bible College in Indianapolis, IN, and in September of 2000, they were married. They began their ministry in 2001 as a newly married couple in New Albany, Mississippi where Melissa served as music director. In 2004, they moved to Livingston, TX, where together they served as leaders of young married couples and Sunday School teachers, while Melissa was the director of music and the church secretary.
While in Livingston, their two beautiful daughters were born: Maylie in 2005 and Avery in 2010. During this time, they also evangelized on many weekends out of the year while still staying involved in their local church. In 2020, they accepted positions at Living Way Church in Conroe, TX, where Jeremy is currently serving as the assistant pastor and Melissa is the director of music.
For over 20 years, Jeremy and Melissa have passionately endeavored to help, mentor, teach, and develop every individual that they have met. They have a heart for people and actively seek new avenues of ministry to inspire others to develop a deeper relationship with Christ.
Have Questions About Heaven's Army?
We are deeply committed to providing hope and support to those in need. If you're interested in learning more about our programs or how we serve others, feel free to reach out today!